What Down Payment is Right for You

What Down Payment is

What Down Payment is Right for You I remember buying my first house. My goal was to save as much aRead More...

Jacques Du Preez Quote

“The mortgage business is fun, fast moving and ultimately a people business. People trust us becauseRead More...
Ten Absolute Must-have Privileges for Your Mortgage

The Ten Absolute Must

The Ten Absolute Must-have Privileges for Your Mortgage Most of us are pretty good at determiningRead More...
New-to-Canada Mortgages

New-to-Canada Mortgages

New-to-Canada Mortgages From the day I arrived at Lester Pearson International Airport, I lovedRead More...
The Death of the Equity Mortgage

The Death of the Equity

The Death of the Equity Mortgage Rewind 5 years. Canadians could get a mortgage for 65% of the valueRead More...
Canadian Mortgage Lenders

Canadian Mortgage Lenders

Canadian Mortgage Lenders As Canadians we are very blessed to have one of the strongest bankingRead More...
Secondary Homes: You Can Buy a Cottage with a 5% Down Payment

Secondary Homes: You

Secondary Homes: You Can Buy a Cottage with a 5% Down Payment If you have ever wanted to own aRead More...
How to Build and Maintain Good Credit

How to Build and

How to Build and Maintain Good Credit Your credit is more important than your income when it comesRead More...
Mortgages for Self-employed People

Mortgages for Self

Mortgages for Self-employed People Self-employed people are the special kind who want to serveRead More...